Home >Overseas Operations >Shanghai HKC Ltd. (SHKC)

Shanghai HKC Ltd. (SHKC) manages crop protection and geosynthetic businesses in China through its office in Shanghai. SHKC products are marketed through regional distributors to retailers and end users. SHKC holds a number of agrochemical PD registrations in China and the numbers are still growing.

In addition to sales and marketing, SHKC also has an agrochemical formulation plant in suburban Shanghai. Equipped with a negative pressure workshop and a modern laboratory, this plant is considered as one of the most cutting edge agrochemical plant in China.

SHKC also manages a warehouse with stock of geosynthetic products manufactured by HKC. HUITEX is the only multinational geomembrane company able to manage stocks in China ensuring timely delivery.

Address: 10F, 8, Underground Mingzhu Granden, Lane198, Xinjing Road,

                 Shanghai 201100, China



